With a collective industry experience of over 50 years Glass Hardware Australia’s team of dedicated and passionate staff are the underpinnings of the company’s success.
Francis Bindschedler
Francis has been with Polaris for 15 years now and boasts nearly 23 years experience in the glass and fencing industries. Francis is the most experience member of Glass Hardware Australia and is the corner stone that help the development of the company and drive future success. Francis’ passion and commitment is a true inspiration to both our staff and our customers.
Kim Watt
Kim is invaluable to our operations and company culture. With expertise in treasury management she is a team player who understands all aspects of accounting and financial management. Applying her 15 years of experience within the corporate finance industry she has driven out inefficiencies, identified risks, and continues to implement process improvements.
Renee Tsigounis
Renee has been with Glass Hardware Australia for 9 years. Renee’s initiative and hard-working ethic makes her role one of the most critical in the business. Want to know who answers the phone, prepares your orders, invoices, quotes and gets your stock moving so quickly! Now you know.
Lindsay Cornwell
With over 350,000 Polaris Gates installed worldwide, Lindsay’s role is to support both the home owner and the installer with information, guidance and assistance in ensuring you have the right product or service for your Polaris Soft Close Gate. Lindsay is responsible for all servicing, technical and warranty concerns regarding our products.
Ram Sunar
Ram joined the Polaris team in August 2022, bringing with him a Master of Professional Accounting degree. He is applying the theoretical knowledge gained from his studies and continually developing his skills in a practical environment. Ram provides invaluable support to the Finance Manager and team, accomplishing a wide variety of tasks with diligence and quality.